
We offer a range of accommodation options designed to meet your individual wants and needs.

PFCA has a range of Supported Independent Living accommodation houses in metropolitan Victoria, which are carefully designed to suit the specific needs of people with disability who need accommodation.

Our accommodation options include a mix of community units, villas, group homes, transitional accommodation, and individual accommodation in self-contained flats. Most of our accommodation is located in suburban streets close to public transport, shops and community facilities.

Our houses meet accessibility requirements and are fitted with assistive technologies and equipment. Within our supported accommodation, PFCA provides you with full-time care and support. Whether you need support around the clock or for just for a few hours a day, PFCA can work with you to design a support program that suits your needs.


Which supports and costs are included in SIL funding?

SIL reflects the supports delivered to an individual or group of people (utilising shared support workers) inside the home and includes the following:

  • Support with personal care including showering and dressing
  • Daily life skills such as cooking, cleaning, gardening and doing laundry
  • Support in budgeting and household management
  • Development of social and communication skills
  • Assistance with recreational activities undertaken within the home including playing games, basic crafts, using technology etc.
  • Overnight support (Sleep over or active overnight)

What NDIS funding for Supported Independent Living means for you

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides eligible Australians aged under 65, who have a permanent and significant disability with funding for supports and services. For many people, their NDIS funding is used for the purpose of improving, maintaining or gaining new skills in order for them to live the highest quality life as independently as possible.

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is assistance and supervision of daily tasks to improve the skills of a person with a permanent and significant disability to be able to live as independently as possible. SIL is 24-hour support, 7 days per week delivered to an individual in a shared home environment, which is offered by People’s First Choice Australia (PFCA) as shared living arrangement.

SIL is funded under the NDIS through a participant’s Core Supports, but is not part of their flexible budget. SIL is a quoted, agreed upon support item.

Why Choose PFCA?

PFCA’s services are focussed on increasing your independence and choice through a range of Supported Independent Living options.

We are a disability specialist

  • We have experience in supporting NDIS participants
  • We have a wide range of services tailored to support people with disability of all ages and needs.
  • We provide specialist supports for people with high and complex needs
  • We seek to provide the highest standards in quality, customer wellbeing and safeguards.
  • Our staff are highly experienced and receive ongoing training to ensure that they continue to remain on top of their profession
  • We have stringent recruitment processes in place to ensure that our staff come with the relevant background checks

If you would like to talk to us about SIL please call us on (03) 93178452 and speak to one of our friendly staff. You can also email us at or you can download a brochure here